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REVU Research Poster Session – July 26, 2019 – 2:30 to 4:00 pm

Jeremy Bradford

On Friday, July 26, from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm, we will be hosting the first Research Experience for Veteran Undergraduates (REVU) program poster session. We invite anyone interested to the session.

The event will be held at the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning located at 301 York St, New Haven, CT 06511 in Room 120A.

Seven amazing student-veterans, who have been on Yale campus this summer as part of the REVU program, will be presenting the research they have performed this summer.

The REVU program is funded by an HHMI grant and many of the fellows are alumni of the Warrior-Scholar Project. Fellows have been working in various labs this summer (from kidney disease to earthquakes) and will be presenting their research during this time.

You are welcome to stop by anytime between 2:30 pm and 4pm on Friday, July 26, even for a few minutes. There will be coffee and cookies. If you haven’t been to a science poster session before, it is very relaxed consisting of informal science conversations over coffee.

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